We welcome any and all feedback about the Mission: All Together project.
Please fill out our feedback form.
I am curious how the transition went with Wave 1 colleges. Are we going to benefit from their learning process?
You are benefitting every day from Wave 1’s lessons learned, and we are still learning every day. A wonderful benefit is that your implementation teams are getting to see how everything is loaded because there is already a system in place. We also have existing training we can use going forward with Wave 2.
Have the teams already started working?
Yes, work has already begun with the implementation teams on your campus. One of the things the Finance Workstream is doing first is taking your chart of accounts and cross-walking all of that with the way the chart of accounts is set up in Workday. They’ve been working hard identifying that information and getting it ready to go. In HCM (HR/Payroll), they have started data mapping. They are all getting a chance to preview their own data in Workday.
What is data mapping?
Data mapping is linking what we call a piece of information in one system to what it is called in the new system. An example: a first name field in the legacy system must be matched to the first name field in the Workday system. Same with the last name, bank routing number, and tons of other data.
Travel at my college is not easy. It appears that the Workday implementation will make travel easier. Will the fiscal office have an opportunity to gain an understanding of how Travel works in Workday?
Workday calls travel requests “spend authorizations,” and yes, we are making it a more efficient digital process. We are not going to replace your internal approvals, but what we hope is that if you have a manual piece of paper with 20,000 receipts stapled to it that was done by hand and walked across campus for signatures, we hope you never have to do that again.
Can I anticipate that demographics and “data book” types of reports will be available and up to date via generated excel spreadsheets in a more streamlined, efficient way?
Yes, Workday generates internal reports, and it also has prism analytics that will compile and combine external and internal data and stick that into a report. With this phase of the implementation, you will see employee and finance related data. The next phase is the implementation of Student (SIS) where you’ll start to have access to the student-related demographics. We are a few years out on being able to do that yet.
Can there be a Change Agent meeting with someone driving to show us how to do time entry?
We will have four more Change Agent meetings, and we will be doing demos of different processes at each of those sessions. One of them is dedicated to HCM (HR/Payroll). There will also be training where we will go through this again, formally, with all employees on both campuses just before go-live. Tip Sheets will also be available after go-live.