

Calculated Time

Result of applying time calculations to a worker's reported time. Automates application of company or regulatory rules.

Calendar-Based Time Entry

A time entry method that uses the time entry calendar as the focal point for entering, editing, and submitting time.

Cancel (business process)

Canceling a business process stops the workflow in progress and reverses changes made to data. You can't cancel a completed business process; you must rescind it. A securable action in a business process security policy.


Candidates include both prospects and active candidates.

Cascading Leave

A sequence of related leave types that are linked together. When an employee meets the conditions defined for ending a leave, Workday generates a return from leave request and a separate request for the next leave.


The Collaborative for Higher Education Shared Services (CHESS) is a nonprofit that employs a unique approach to transform the student experience and streamline administrative operations by aligning processes among member colleges. Central New Mexico Community College, Clovis Community College, Northern New Mexico College, San Juan College, and…

Compensation Basis

A grouping of compensation components, such as salary, commission, and allowance plans, that define estimated earnings for an employee population.

Compensation Component

The umbrella term for compensation packages, grades, grade profiles, and plans that can be associated with compensation eligibility rules.

Compensation Defaulting Rule

A rule that establishes the criteria for how compensation components default to worker compensation during staffing transactions (such as hire or job change).

Compensation Element

Compensation elements link Compensation to Payroll. When a compensation element is attached to a plan that is assigned to an employee, Workday can determine which earnings to use to pay the employee.

Compensation Package

A grouping of compensation guidelines (grades, grade profiles, and their associated steps) and plans that you can assign to workers as a set. Packages provide a quick view of the eligible plans for a particular job or group of employees.

Compensation Rule

Guidelines for determining which workers are eligible for which components of compensation.


Conditions are one or more logical matches that are resolved to True or False and used to decide if some action should be taken. You can add conditions to steps in a business process to determine if the step should…


A set of 1 or more integration templates that provide a framework for building integrations in aparticular functional area. The integration can support a specific type of data, or can support a specific endpoint (example: Salesforce.com or Okta).

Contextual Custom Report

A custom report created from the related actions menu of a Workday object by selecting Reporting > Create Custom Report from Here. Simplifies choices of data and fields to those related to the context of the object.

Correct (business process)

Correcting a business process changes a specification or data in the workflow while in progress. A securable action in a business process security policy.

Cost Reimbursable Spend

A billing item that Workday creates to help you bill your sponsor for award-related spending. The cost reimbursable spend amount includes both the original spend amount and any overhead costs Workday calculates based on your award costs configurations.

Coverage Target

Defines whether a specific health care plan or insurance plan applies only to the employee or also to the dependents, spouse, family, and so on.

Cross Plan Dependency

Limits the coverage options available to workers during an enrollment event based on their choice of other benefit plans and coverage amounts. Example: You can limit coverage in a specific plan to a percentage of the total coverage in 1…

Custom Report

Reports not delivered by Workday and built using the Workday Report Writer. Can be created new or by copying another standard or custom report.